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Grow a Nutritious Garden in a Pot

Add a bit of nutrition to your diet and landscape.  Grow a container full of nutritious vegetables for your patio, deck or balcony.

Try using peppers, eggplants or tomatoes for a vertical accent.  All are nutritious and suited for container gardens. Use patio tomatoes or provide a decorative support for taller tomato plants.    And, try growing cucumbers, peas or beans up a decorative trellis for a nutritional vertical accent for your pot. Or, how about a plant or two of corn – just for fun!

Tuck a few onions and garlic in your container.   They’re fragrant when crushed and found to lower blood sugar, cholesterol and aid in digestion.

And, add some flavor, color, and crunch with carrots, beets and radishes.  And, don’t forget the greens.  Lettuce, spinach and other greens are high in Vitamin A and C as well as calcium. 

So be creative and look for small-scale attractive vegetables suited for containers and high in nutritional value.

A bit more information:  Continually harvest the outer leaves of lettuce and other greens to keep the plants producing and your planters looking good.  Plant a second crop of radishes, carrots and beets once the first planting is harvested.  Consider a summer planting for fall harvest.  Include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale transplants.  Seed some fast maturing vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets and greens around and between these bigger vegetables.

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June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

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West Allis, WI


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