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On Demand Webinars

Fall Landscape Planting and Care

 Fall is a great time to add trees, shrubs, and perennials to your landscape and prepare it for the winter and spring ahead. Keep pollinators in mind as you manage fall leaves, prune shrubs, and clean up your landscape for winter.  Melinda will share tips for taking care of your new and established native and non-native plants, flowerbeds, rain gardens, and lawns. She’ll cover proper watering, fertilization, winterization, and protection from wildlife to get them through our challenging winters and ready for an eye-catching spring display!



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians
and hosted by the Milwaukee Public Library

MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png


Underappreciated Pollinators

The plight of honeybees and monarchs fill the news but many more pollinators are often overlooked yet critical to the production of food, fiber and other raw materials we depend upon. Native bees, moths, bats, beetles, flies, and birds are also important. We will look at a variety of pollinators, their role in the environment, and their impact on people. Plus, we will discuss ways to co-exist with these often overlooked and sometimes feared or dreaded animals.


ADDITIONAL RESOURCES related to questions addressed during the Q&A session:

Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:   WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

How to Plant Your Rain Garden  

You’ve selected the location, purchased your plants and now you are ready to start planting. We’ll take a step-by-step approach to make this process as easy as possible. We’ll discuss finetuning the garden design, preparing the planting bed, and setting the plants in place for an attractive display. Melinda will cover the care your new plants will need during their first summer, ensuring they establish a deep, drought-tolerant root system that will serve them well in the seasons ahead.  Fortunately, a properly planned and planted rain garden provides many benefits with minimal maintenance.


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

  MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Ornamental Fruits and Vegetables

Increase the nutritional value and beauty of your landscape by incorporating attractive fruits and vegetables into your landscape, garden beds, and containers.  Growing varieties that are both ornamental and productive increases the opportunities for creating a beautiful space right outside your door. We will look at new and proven fruit and vegetable varieties suited to both gardens and containers. 



Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:   WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

Seven Steps to Managing Water Where It Falls in Your Yard 

Learn how to manage water in your backyard to support the plants in your landscape and help reduce the risk of sewer backups, basement flooding, and sewer overflows. Develop a strategy that works best for you by implementing some or all of these seven steps. These include improving the soil, maintaining a healthy landscape, installing rain barrels, creating rain gardens, planting trees, adding native plants to the landscape, and growing a water-friendly lawn.



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

  MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Container Gardening Throughout the Year 

Use container gardens to boost the color and seasonal interest in any size landscape, garden, balcony, or deck.  With your budget in mind, we will explore attractive combinations of trees, shrubs, flowers, edible plants, and those that attract pollinators. Plus, you’ll learn strategies for extending your enjoyment year-round by transforming all or a portion of the container planting with the changing seasons.


Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:  WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

How to Start a Garden for Beginners

Starting a new garden or renovating one you inherited can be overwhelming. Breaking down the planning and implementation into smaller steps can help reduce the anxiety and get you started. We will look at evaluating the site, preparing the soil, and selecting plants to create the garden you desire.


Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:   Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

Maximize the Beauty and Your Enjoyment in Any Small Space 

Learn how to combine plants, furnishings, and accessories to create an entertainment space, retreat, or area for relaxation within your landscape. We’ll explore strategies for maximizing the beauty and enjoyment no matter the size and location of the space. All to help you when dealing with small outdoor spaces, dressing up a patio, deck or balcony or trying to create a garden room within your landscape.

To Watch On Demand, CLICK HERE and enter the passcode:  %E6Jx@aC

Sponsored by:  summit.png

How to Select Rain Garden Plants

Selecting the right plant for the growing conditions is always an important step when planning and planting a garden. It is even more critical when it comes to rain gardens. Melinda will cover a variety of native rain garden plants from short to tall, those for the sun, a few for the shade, and a few non-native plants you may want to include. She will help you plan for color and interest throughout the year as well as suggest plants that will attract pollinators and support songbirds.


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians
and hosted by Milwaukee Public Library


 MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Hydrangea Selection, Pruning & Care

So many choices and not enough space.  Fortunately, there is a hydrangea for every garden and even containers. Melinda will help you find the best hydrangea for your growing conditions, landscape design, and growing goals. Plus, she’ll cover planting, ongoing care, and pruning for each type of hydrangea.

To WATCH ON-DEMAND CLICK HERE and enter password:  qc=#?z4H

Sponsored by:   Diggers Hotline Logo.png

Growing Summer Bulbs in Containers

Add unexpected beauty to your patio, deck, or balcony with summer-blooming bulbs. Elephant ears, lilies, dahlias, gladiolus, and caladiums make great additions to container gardens. Some summer bulbs grow even better in pots than they do in the garden. These include the exotic-looking flowers of Abyssinian gladiolus, calla lilies, pineapple lilies, and spider lilies. We will cover tips for growing these summer flowering bulbs in containers, ways to display them, attractive combinations and needed maintenance.

To WATCH ON-DEMAND, CLICK HERE and enter password:   #0Geeq%G

Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:   LONGFIELD-250px.png

How to Plan Your Rain Garden

Like any gardening endeavor, planting a rain garden starts with a plan.  Gardening expert Melinda Myers walks you through the step-by-step process of planning your rain garden. It starts with selecting the best location and then determining the shape and size. Tips for maximizing beauty and pollinator appeal as well as minimizing short- and long-term maintenance will be part of the planning process.


Melinda's webinar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians
and hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

  MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png    

Create a Beautiful Landscape Free of Invasive Plants

Melinda will discuss key invasive plants in Wisconsin, share tips on identification, provide ways to control some of the more common problem plants, and suggest alternative plants for your landscape.  We hope you can join Melinda to learn more about this important issue.  The webinar is free but registration is required.


Sponsored by:  Division of Extension.pngLogo WI DNR_logo.png

Winter Pest Management

Insect pests spend their winters in different locations and in different stages of development. Some may overwinter as adults, others in their immature stage as grubs, caterpillars, or nymphs or in the pupal stage like a chrysalis or cocoon. Understanding their lifecycle and location can help us support beneficial insects while managing problem insect pests. We will explore ways to work with nature and how we can intercede now, when needed, to manage these pests.  

Sponsored by Summit Responsible Solutions makers of Year-Round Spray Oil (YRSO). When it is used as a dormant treatment, once it is dry, it won’t cause damage if the temperatures drop below 40 degrees F after treatment. It is a lighter weight, more highly refined oil, unlike true dormant oils that require the temperatures to remain above 40 degrees for 24 to 48 hours after application. As always read and follow label directions of any product you decide to use.

To Watch On Demand, CLICK HERE and enter password:  P2@STTKN

Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:  summit.png

Tips & Strategies for Helping Gardeners Create a Landscape Free of Invasive Plants

Attention Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, Garden Club Members and others advising home gardeners; this webinar is for you!  Join Melinda Myers and representatives from UWMADEXT and DNR to talk about current invasive species concerns, available resources, and ways we can all work together to manage invasive plants in Wisconsin. The webinar is free but registration is required.

To watch On Demand, CLICK HERE and enter the password:   C4UKDz!y

Sponsored by:  Division of Extension.pngLogo WI DNR_logo.png

Fall Garden & Landscape Care

Fall is a great time to prepare your gardens and lawn for the winter and ready for an eye-catching spring display. Melinda will share eco-friendly tips for taking care of new and established native and non-native plants, flowerbeds, mixed borders, rain gardens and lawns. She will cover fall watering and fertilization as well as tips for protecting plants from challenging winter weather and wildlife damage.  This approach to sustainable fall landscape care also includes tips for attracting and supporting songbirds and providing homes for overwintering pollinators and other beneficial insects.


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library


 MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png


Fall is for Planning and Planting an Energy-Saving Landscape

Beauty and energy savings can go hand in hand. Select the right plants and place them in the best location to help reduce energy use. We will explore strategies for small space lots and larger properties so you can start implementing your own energy-saving landscape design.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:   WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

Gardening in a Changing Climate

Extreme heat, drought, floods, fluctuating temperatures and wind add challenges to the way we garden. Let’s talk about plants better suited to our changing climate and strategies for helping our gardens thrive in these changing times.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:  WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

Growing a Bountiful Harvest Even When Time, Space & Budget are Limited

Learn some tips and strategies that will help you harvest the most produce out of your garden. Whether you have a dedicated garden or squeeze fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your landscape wherever space allows, we will help you grow lots of produce no matter your limitations. We will explore products and plant varieties as well as planting and harvesting techniques to help increase your vegetable gardening success!


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:    WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

What’s New – Discover New & Unique Plants!

Ebert’s Greenhouse Village is known for offering new and unique plants. Get a sneak peek into this year’s new offerings. Melinda will provide selection and care information on some of these new plants plus provide ways you can include them in your garden and landscape this season.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  b$0=J3XS
Download What's New Plant List

Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:   Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png 

Understanding Gardening Basics to Boost Your Gardening Success

Gardening is a wonderful way to grow your own food and a beautiful landscape. But the thought of purchasing and growing plants during the first few years can be daunting. We will review terminology and provide tips on selecting the right type of plant for your growing conditions and gardening goals. Then we will look for low-maintenance ways to keep your garden healthy, productive, and beautiful. 

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  8m*nI&Z9


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:     Diggers Hotline Logo.png

In a Pot, You Can Grow A lot!

It’s true; you can grow just about any plant or combination of plants in a container. Whether it’s fruits and vegetables, herbs, flowers, or trees and shrubs, we will look at ways to combine them into attractive gardens. Melinda will provide tips on plant selection and combinations that work. Plus, she’ll share tips for keeping them looking their best and producing the most flowers and fruit.

In the webinar, you will see I like to mix ornamental non-edible plants with herbs, vegetables, and fruit to increase the beauty of containers. In this webinar, you will see examples of non-edibles like coleus, cuphea, pennisetum, ornamental grasses, dusty miller, euphorbia, and angelonia…mixed with edible plants. If in doubt, always check before eating anything in question. The same goes for those with curious pets and children. Aspca.org aspca.org and https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu are excellent resources.



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:     Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png 

Planning, Planting, and Caring for Your Rain Garden

Rain Gardens are a beautiful way to reduce the risk of basement flooding, sewer overflows and water pollution. Melinda will provide tips on planning a rain garden, help you select the best plants and how to provide needed care.  This is just in time for you to create your plant list and order your rain garden plants at up to a 50% discount through the Milwaukee Metro Sewerage District rain garden plant sale.


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library


 MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Create an Oasis on a Deck, Patio, or Balcony

Create an outdoor oasis on your patio, deck, or balcony. Whether it’s a space to escape, share with others, or entertain, we will look at ways to make it your space. We will look at plantings, container gardens, and other ways to screen unwanted views and create a sense of privacy. Then, we’ll fill your oasis with sounds, fragrant plants, and beauty to create the space of your dreams.


Melinda's webinar is underwritten by:  summit.png

Grow Your Own Flowers for Bouquets in Containers, Raised Beds, and Gardens

Picking flowers from your gardens and containers extends your enjoyment indoors. Whether looking for a few flowers to enjoy in a vase, share with friends, or as a centerpiece for parties, you can grow your own.  We will look at starting plants from seeds, bulbs, and transplants as well as exploring opportunities that may already be growing in your yard.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:     1459378698.png

Learn the Basics on How and When to Prune Shrubs

Pruning paranoia is common among gardeners, but once you understand the basics you will make better pruning decisions in less time and with much less stress. We will cover a variety of shrubs commonly found in the landscape. Melinda will also share information on what and when to prune shrubs for their health and maximum beauty.


Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:    Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

Healthful Gardening: Growing Nutritious and Flavorful Edibles Indoors

Bring your edible garden indoors for fresh, flavorful, and nutritious additions to your winter meals. Learn how to grow microgreens on the counter, herbs on your windowsill, and how about a few fresh limes and lemons?  These are all fun homegrown projects that will add flavor and nutrition to your meals, cocktails, and desserts. Melinda will also tell you how to convert kitchen scraps such as pineapple tops, avocado seeds, ginger root, and other edibles from kitchen scraps into indoor plants. Then once you have your list of edibles to grow indoors, she will share tips on how to successfully care for them and keep them producing.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:  WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

10 Ways to Spice Up Your Garden with Summer-Blooming Bulbs

Grow cannas, gladiolas, dahlias, and other summer-blooming bulbs for added color, form, and beauty in your garden.  These summer bloomers attract pollinators and provide lots of flowers for your garden bouquets. Plant them in existing flowerbeds, mixed borders, and cutting gardens.  Or dedicate a row or bed in the vegetable garden for these flowers.  You’ll be able to pick a few flowers while harvesting your vegetables to enjoy with your garden-fresh meals.


Melinda's webinar is underwritten by:    LONGFIELD-250px.png

Grow Beautiful Water Gardens Free of Invasive Plants 

Don’t let their beauty fool you. Aquatic invasive plants escape our gardens and landscapes invading natural spaces, disrupting habitats, and diminishing water quality. Some of these plants were added in the past before we became aware of their invasive nature and negative impact on the environment. Others are being sold illegally online and purchased by unsuspecting gardeners. Learn to identify the top aquatic invasive plants and ways to manage the problem in your garden and nearby natural spaces.



Melinda's seminar is brought to you by:  Division of Extension.png

10 Tips for Growing Better Dahlias

Take the mystery out of growing dahlias with these ten tips. Increasing growing success and flowering starts with proper planting. Follow this with staking, pinching, pruning and routine flower care for beautiful blooms to enjoy in the garden and bouquets. Dahlias require a little more time and attention than many other flowering plants but your efforts will be rewarded with a bounty of beautiful blooms and a sense of accomplishment.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  1EF@6.z+

Melinda's webinar is underwritten by:  LONGFIELD-250px.png

Indoor Container Garden Design and Display Ideas

Elevate your indoor garden with striking and seasonal indoor container combinations. We plan and plant outdoor containers to maximize their beauty and often overlook the opportunity to do the same with our houseplants. Designing and care of terrariums, dish gardens and other container combinations will be covered. Then we’ll explore ways to display them to maximize their visual appeal and longevity.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  gL1VDfj^

Melinda's webinar is underwritten by:  summit.png

Dahlias - Proven Performers!

Dahlias are versatile plants that fill summer and fall gardens with an abundance of flowers. But the many colors, sizes and shapes available can make it difficult to select the best ones for your garden and bouquets. We’ll discuss some of the easiest varieties to grow and enjoy as cut flowers. Plus, Melinda will cover new and traditional ways to include them in any size landscape, garden or container.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  i^@5f#G&

Melinda's webinar is underwritten by:  LONGFIELD-250px.png

Creative Container Gardening

Don’t let a lack of space stop you from gardening. Create your own bit of paradise in a pot. Combine long blooming plants with bold foliage for growing colorful containers in Wisconsin all season long. Fill planters with your favorite vegetables and herbs and flowers that attract pollinators. Use containers to create privacy, muffle unwanted noise and dress up a bare wall.  Melinda will finish off the discussion with tips to keep your planters looking their best and allow time to answer your gardening questions.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  *AJ4e2@k


Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:    Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

How to Plant a Rain Garden

You’ve selected the location, purchased your plants and now you are ready to start planting. We’ll take a step-by-step approach to make this process as easy as possible. We’ll discuss fine-tuning the garden design, preparing the planting bed, and setting the plants in place for an attractive display. Once in the ground, you’ll need to provide your plants a bit of TLC the first few years as they develop a deep, drought-tolerant root system. Once established, you’ll enjoy the many benefits with minimal maintenance.



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library


 MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Food Gardening in Containers

Bring the garden to your back door, balcony or deck. Whether gardening in a small or large lot, keep your favorite herbs and vegetables close by. You’ll benefit from the easy access when cooking and your guests will enjoy harvesting a few of their own herbs to spice up their meals and drinks. Melinda will share some of her favorite edibles to grow in containers. Plus, she’ll cover planting and care tips to maximize your harvest.


(cut and paste the password and be sure to include the . at the beginning)


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:    1459378698.png

Jump Start Your Season and Protect Your Plants

Shopping early ensures the greatest selection of plants, but it isn’t always the best time to plant. Learn what flowers and vegetables you can plant in the cooler, often unpredictable spring weather. Then keep those warm weather favorites like tomatoes, impatiens, and coleus safe until the conditions are right for them to stand on their own in the garden. Melinda will cover tips for protecting plants from the cold and helping them transition into the garden or planter.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:   ?xb+ga4m

Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:        Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png 

Fragrant Plants Sure to Elevate Your Mood & Garden Enjoyment

Plant a bit of aromatherapy to elevate your mood and bring back fond memories from your past. Look for opportunities to include fragrant plants in all areas of the landscape. Include a variety of trees, shrubs and flowers that provide fragrance throughout the year.

This webinar is free, but registration is required.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:   .S3d$+=i



Sponsored by:    WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png  for   The Conservancy for Healing and Heritage

Managing Water on Your Property

Reduce maintenance and improve the health and beauty of your lawn and landscape by implementing stormwater-friendly strategies. We’ll cover steps to help capture rainwater by improving the soil, utilizing rain barrels and planting rain gardens. Adding trees, growing more native plants, and improving the health of your lawn also help keep water on your property and out of storm sewers. All these strategies put rainwater to work for your plants while helping reduce the risk of basement flooding and overflow of storm sewers.

WATCH RECORDING (you'll need to move the play arrow back to the beginning of the webinar)


Melinda's seminar is underwritten MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

 MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Growing Nutritious Herbs & Vegetables in a Garden or Container

Add nutrition and beauty to your landscape by incorporating attractive and tasty fruits and vegetables. Tips on creating a kitchen garden, containers filled with edible plants or mixing fruits and vegetables into your more traditional plantings will be discussed. Melinda will also provide design, planting, and care tips for popular vegetables. Plus, she’ll feature new varieties with extra ornamental appeal!

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  MWc3&8!u


Sponsored by:   WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png  for    The Conservancy for Healing and Heritage

All About Houseplants

Add a bit of greenery and color to your home’s décor while improving your indoor air quality and elevating your mood. Whether you’re new to indoor gardening or considering giving it another try, Melinda will help you select the right plants for your indoor growing conditions, interior design, and busy schedule. She’ll provide tips on watering, fertilizing, transplanting and more to keep your indoor plants looking their best.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  gF.9y3$f


Melinda's webinar is sponsored by:    Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

Gardening to Attract Birds

Create a beautiful garden to attract birds and for you to enjoy. Incorporate trees, shrubs and flowers that provide color, form and texture throughout the year and support our winged friends. Provide water and increase the diversity of visitors by adding feeders and bird houses. You'll enjoy their songs and colorful plumage and appreciate their help managing garden pests. 

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  0P%trD9g


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:     Diggers Hotline Logo.png

How to Select Rain Garden Plants

Selecting the right plant for the growing conditions is always an important step when planning and planting a garden. It is even more critical when it comes to rain gardens. Melinda will cover a variety of rain garden plants from short to tall, for sun and a few for the shade. She will help you plan for color and interest throughout the year as well as select plants that attract pollinators and support songbirds. 



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

  MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png             FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png          MPL_logo_color.png

Taking Your Veggie Garden to the Next Level

Your vegetable gardening efforts have been rewarding but you are ready to employ new strategies to boost your harvest and enjoyment. Melinda will cover various strategies, share new productive varieties, and provide space saving tips that will take your vegetable garden to the next level. Tips on how you can plant earlier, harvest later and maximize the harvest throughout the season will also be discussed. 

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  gR3%i%i0

Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:    Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png 

How to Plan Your Rain Garden

Like any gardening endeavor, planting a rain garden starts with a plan. Melinda will walk you through the step-by-step process of planning your rain garden. It starts with selecting the best location then determining the shape and size. Tips for maximizing beauty and pollinator appeal as well as minimizing short- and long-term maintenance will be part of the planning process.  



Melinda's seminar is underwritten by MMSD and Fresh Coast Guardians and Hosted by Milwaukee Public Library

  MMSD_CMYK_FINAL.png              FCGResourceCenter_Logo.png           MPL_logo_color.png

Small Space Gardening

Whether gardening in a small space or on a large lot, Melinda will cover simple ideas for packing a lot of garden into the available space. She’ll provide strategies on creating an intimate outdoor garden room.  Melinda will also share tips and techniques for designing and maintaining gardens with year-round interest in every layer from the ground to the roofline.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  V0l#bA2=


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:  GSC_LogoStandard-200px.png

Gardening for Wildlife

Create a garden you, birds, toads, frogs, and other wildlife can enjoy. We’ll discuss design and management strategies that will help you support and enjoy wildlife, care for your landscape, and improve your quality of life. Finding ways to coexist is critical for wildlife struggling to survive and our enjoyment of nature and our landscapes.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  $uq69VR0

Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:  summit.png

Colorful Houseplants 

Brighten your indoor garden with colorful foliage and flowers. Whether it’s the colorful splashes, stripes or spots of these beauties, you’ll enjoy the year round beauty colorful houseplants provide. Supplement these with flowering houseplants for some seasonal delight. Melinda will share some of her favorite varieties and provide tips for selection and care to keep them looking their best.

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  Q7VTg8!0

Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:       1459378698.png

Top Plants for Rain Gardens, Water Gardens, Shoreline Gardens & Those to Avoid

Selecting the right plant for the growing conditions is just as important when planning your rain gardens, shoreline plantings and water gardens. We’ll cover the top plants to include in these types of gardens. Plus, a look at aggressive and invasive plants to avoid and tips on properly disposing of those found in existing gardens. You’ll save yourself a lot of work growing the right plant for these types of plantings as you create beautiful gardens and help protect our lakes and waterways.

To watch on demand,  CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:  &xe9hPU^

Sponsored by:    Division of Extension.png

Kid & Pet Friendly Houseplants

You love them all; kids, pets and houseplants. Discover ways to enjoy them all under one roof. Melinda will cover plants that are safe to grow when kids and pets are in the house. She will also share tips on safely displaying them out of the reach of most pets and children. Then finish off the discussion with ideas for keeping your plants safe from curious, playful, and destructive pets. 

To watch on demand, CLICK HERE and ENTER PASSWORD:   sjw6Aay%


Melinda's seminar is underwritten by:  summit.png

Helpful Ideas for New Plant Parents

Just like any new adventure, gardening success is all about getting started. To ease some of your apprehension, Melinda will cover the basics to help you be successful growing plants in Wisconsin. She’ll provide pointers for selecting and planting annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs.  Practical soil preparation tips will help you create a healthy foundation for your plants. Then she’ll discuss how to keep them healthy with proper watering, fertilizing and care. And as always, there will be time for Melinda to answer your gardening questions.



Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:  Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

Tomatoes: Tips & Tricks to Maximize Your Harvest & Minimize Insect & Disease Problems

Whether your tomatoes are already in the ground or you are waiting to plant, we’ll help you grow your best harvest yet. Gardening expert Melinda Myers will share tips and tricks on planting, training and care so you maximize your harvest whether you’re growing tomatoes in gardens or containers. Plus, she’ll share ways to avoid, and if needed, manage insect and disease problems that plague tomatoes.




Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:     1459378698.png

How to Plan a Vegetable Garden

Plan now for your best garden yet. Whether its yourfirst, second or tenth garden Melinda will share strategies to help increase success and maximize your garden’s productivity. She’ll discuss everything from soil preparation, plant selection, planting, care and harvesting techniques toensure the best flavor and biggest harvest. Space saving techniques like succession plantings, interplanting and growing vertical will also be included.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:  Eberts-logo-PNG-150-px.png

Getting Started Growing Vegetable & Flower Gardens


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:     Diggers Hotline Logo.png

Healthful Gardening: Grow Flavorful and Nutritional Herbs Indoors

Fight the winter blues and boost your winter meals flavor and nutrition with homegrown herbs. Plant a windowsill herb garden filled with your favorites.  Melinda will tell you how to start your garden from seeds or transplants. She’ll also share tips on proper care, harvesting and more.


Melinda's webinar is brought to you by:  WeEnergiesOvalC-150px.png

Healthful Gardening: Growing Nutritious and Flavorful Edibles Indoors

Bring your edible garden indoors for fresh, flavorful, and nutritious additions to your winter meals. Learn how to grow microgreens on the counter, herbs on your windowsill, and how about a few fresh limes and lemons?  These are all fun homegrown projects that will add flavor and nutrition to your meals, cocktails, and desserts. Melinda will also tell you how to convert kitchen scraps such as pineapple tops, avocado seeds, ginger root, and other edibles from kitchen scraps into indoor plants. Then once you have your list of edibles to grow indoors, she will share tips on how to successfully care for them and keep them producing.


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Feb. 12, 2025
Organic Insect Pest Management for Vegetable and Flower Gardens

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Feb. 14-16, 2025
NARI Milwaukee Spring Home Improvement Show
West Allis, WI

Feb. 19, 2025
Strategies for Managing Invasive Plants

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Feb. 26, 2025
Create a Beautiful Shade Garden

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Feb. 27, 2025
How to Select Rain Garden Plants

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March 12, 2025
Grow Pollinator-friendly Spring and Summer Flowering Bulbs

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March 19, 2025
Be a Waterwise Gardener
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March 22, 23, 29, 30, 2025
REALTORS Home & Garden Show
West Allis, WI

March 26, 2025
Succession Planting & Crop Rotation

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March 27, 2025
Rain Garden Q & A

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April 2, 2025
Container Gardens for Sun & Shade
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April 10, 2025
Reinvigorate Your Rain Garden
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May 7, 2025
Vertical Gardening
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May 15, 2025
7 Steps to Managing Water on Your Property

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June 4, 2025
Attracting Hummingbirds

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