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Enjoy Roses All Year

No matter where you live, you can enjoy roses all year round.

Harvest the colorful rose hips and add them to your winter arrangements or outdoor displays. They combine nicely with fresh greens and other dried material. Be sure to leave a few on the plants for the birds to enjoy.

Enlarge and frame your best pictures of your favorite roses. They’re sure to brighten those winter days. Don’t stop there. Print them on totes, create greeting cards and give them as gifts.

Purchase one of the small tabletop roses to tend and admire all winter long. Just place it in a cool, bright location and keep the soil slightly moist. Pour off any excess water that collects in the foil wrap or saucer.

Share your love of gardening with others and help a friend plan a garden filled with low maintenance repeat-blooming roses.

A bit more information:  Next year, plan on harvesting and preserving a few blooming rose stems to enjoy in winter. You can preserve them in silica or try storing them in sand in a cool, dark location.