Rose Hips
Do rose hips grow on only certain types of roses? I've never seen them on my floribunda or hybrid tea roses, and I'd like to provide some for the birds to eat.
You can encourage your roses to form hips. Stop cutting and deadheading the flowers in early fall. This allows the plants to switch from flowering to fruit formation. Most rose hips are red or orange and vary in size depending on the species of plant. Shrub roses generally form more and showier fruit than their hybrid counterparts. The dog rose (Rosa canina) and rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa) are known for their large showy hips that are high in vitamin C. Many gardeners use the hips for making tea and jelly. So sacrifice a few flowers this fall, let the rose hips form and watch for the thrushes, waxwings and finches to stop by your garden for a meal.
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