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Growing Fruit in Small Spaces

No space for a garden? Don't worry - you can add fruits to your patio, balcony or other small space landscape.

Try growing strawberries as a groundcover. The white flowers, edible red fruit and brilliant red fall color will add sparkle to your landscape. Or grow them in a pot or hanging basket on your balcony or deck. They'll be close at hand and easy to harvest a few for your breakfast cereal or afternoon snack.

And don’t stop there. A dwarf self-pollinating apple can provide flowers in spring and tasty fruit to enjoy. Blueberries will benefit from the perfect soil in a container garden, while you enjoy the flowers, fruit and fall color.

Select a weatherproof pot with drainage holes. Fill with a well-drained potting mix. Plant so the crown of your plant, in this case a fig, or root flare on a tree is at the soil surface. Water and set in a sunny place to grow.

A bit more information: Rome Beauty, Newtown and Stark® Jon-a-Red® Jonathon are a few self-fertile apples. And although they do not need another variety for cross pollination you will have bigger crops if a pollinator is planted nearby.