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Enjoy a Bit of Garden Aromatherapy

Gardeners have been into aromatherapy way before it was hip and trendy.  Just take a walk through a fragrant garden and your mood will improve. Increase these benefits by focusing your nose to certain herbs in the garden. 

Rosemary can help focus your attention and increase your memory according to a recent study at a University in the United Kingdom.

And if you are feeling tired, just take a whiff or taste of peppermint. Some believe that the tingling sensation you get when you smell or taste peppermint puts the brain on alert.  So travel with a bag of peppermints to keep you attentive.

Lavender is a great stress reliever that can be found to lower the heart rate. Give the leaves a rub, try a lavender bath or place some under your pillow to help reduce stress.

And if you are trying to lose weight, take a whiff of green apple to help stave off those snack cravings.

A bit more information:  Don’t let adverse growing conditions stop you from enjoying these herbal benefits. Harvest and dry some of these aromatic herbs to enjoy as sachets, dried arrangements, or bundle and lightly brush to enjoy their fragrance.

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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI


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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
from Longfield Gardens