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Pickle Some Peppers and Celebrate National Pickle Pepper Month

Turn a portion of your pepper harvest into pickled peppers to enjoy throughout the winter. Now that’s a fall tongue twister.

October is National Pickled Pepper month. Turn sweet, hot or a mixture of both types of peppers into a treat to enjoy on nachos, sandwiches or in your Bloody Mary.

The key to success and safety is using a tested recipe that contains the right amount of ingredients and processing it properly. Use a high-grade cider or distilled white vinegar of 5% acidity. White vinegar is often used with light colored peppers to retain their color. You must have a minimum uniform amount of acid throughout the pickled product to prevent the growth of the botulinum bacteria.

Check University or other vetted sources for safe recipes and processing guidelines.

A bit more information:  If you are short on peppers or time, buy a few jars of pickled peppers. Then find fun ways to include them in snacks and meals as you celebrate National Pickled Pepper Month.