2012 All-America Selections Winners
As the year winds down, it’s time to start thinking about next year’s garden. Consider adding a few of the All-America Selections Winners to your garden.
These new never-before-sold varieties are tested nationally and proven locally.
Summer Jewel Pink is an early blooming compact salvia. It is a favorite for hummingbirds and will soon be one of yours.
Black Olive ornamental pepper performed great despite the extreme heat experienced in the south during the testing period. The leaves are dark purple and the fruit matures from purple to red for added color.
Cayennetta is a great choice for both new and experienced gardeners. The more heat and cold tolerant plants produce 3 to 4 inch mildly spicy chili peppers. It’s great for container and patio gardens.
Faerie watermelon will shake things up in the garden and family meal. The sweet pink-red flesh is surrounded by the creamy yellow rind. The 8” fruit weigh 4 to 6 pounds.
A bit more information: All-America Selections winners undergo several years of testing at test sites throughout North America. Winners are selected for their outstanding performance, unique flower color, growth habit or other characteristics, pest resistance or improvement of existing varieties.
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