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Gardening on a Budget

We are all looking for ways to make our dollars go further. And that includes landscaping and gardening projects.

Buy smaller plants and space them properly. You will be amazed how quickly they will grow and fill the available space. Use annuals or perennials to fill the empty spaces. You’ll need fewer annuals each year and the perennials can be transplanted to another garden when the trees and shrubs reach full size.

Start fast growing annuals from seed right in the garden. Marigolds, zinnias, cosmos, nasturtiums, moss rose and sunflowers are a few to try.

Always buy quality plants suited to the growing conditions. They require less effort to grow successfully and live longer.

Use available resources. Shred fallen leaves and use as mulch. Create arbors and wattle fences from tree and shrub trimmings. Use handles from broken tools for a trellis, old grill for a planter and leaky aquarium for a terrarium.

A bit more information: Join forces with friends and neighbors. Share the cost and use of a weekend rental of tillers, chippers and other infrequently used garden equipment. You’ll save money and avoid storage and maintenance issues involved in owning specialized equipment.

Upcoming Live Events
& Webinars

June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI


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