Wow your guests with a tasty, attractive and relatively new vegetable, the Kalette.
Kalette is a cross between Brussels sprouts and kale. This hybrid forms small clusters of short leaves along a tall thick stem as opposed to the dense closed buds of Brussel’s Sprouts. Its crispy crunch has a mild kale flavor with nutty hints of Brussels sprouts.
Grow these like you would Brussels sprouts in full sun. Clip the frilly clusters of leaves from the stem when they are 1½ to 2 inches in diameter. Shorten the time to harvest by pinching out the growing tip of the plant when the lower sprouts are about ½” in diameter.
Autumn Star is a new variety of Kalette. It only grows up to 12 inches tall, making it a great addition to containers and small space gardens. The leafy sprouts mature to a beautiful green and purple.
A bit more information: Two nutritious vegetables combine to create a nutritious addition to any meal. Kalettes are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, protein and Omega 3.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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