Use Row Cover for Chemical-Free Insect Control
Prevent insect damage on your vegetables with the help of floating row covers. These spun fabrics let air, light and water through, but prevent many insects from reaching the plants.
Eliminate cabbage worm damage on cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts with the help of row covers. Loosely cover the plants at planting. Anchor the ends of the fabric with stones, boards or landscape staples. The plants support the fabric and prevent the moths from laying their eggs on the plants.
Cover beans with the fabric at planting to prevent bean beetle damage. Lift to harvest and recover the plants until the harvest is complete.
Cover squash and cucumbers to reduce the risk of squash vine borer and squash bugs on squash plants and cucumber beetles on cucumbers. Cover at planting and remove once flowering begins, so the bees can pollinate the flowers. The early season protection helps reduce the risk of damage to the harvest.
A bit more information: Use row covers on spinach and beets to prevent leaf miner damage. Barriers like row covers only work on insects that overwinter outside the garden and return during the growing season to lay their eggs or feed upon the plants in your garden.
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Fall Landscape Planting and Care
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Ixonia, WI
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