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Nutritious Kohlrabi for Cool Season Gardens

Cool weather means better flavor for many vegetables including greens, peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and the often-overlooked kohlrabi. Consider including this low-calorie vegetable high in fiber, Vitamin C and potassium in your meals this fall.

Kohlrabi is a member of the cabbage family and is sometimes called cabbage turnip.  The purple or green bulb can be eaten raw. Add it to a relish tray or mix into slaws and salads. Roast the bulb for a sweeter flavor or slice and cook it into chips. And don’t discard the leaves; use them in a stir-fry.

Grow kohlrabi during the cooler months of the growing season for the best flavor. Plant seeds in a sunny location at the same time you would beets and lettuce.

Harvest when stems are 3 inches or less in diameter for the mildest flavor. Larger kohlrabies are edible, but usually not as tasty.

A bit more information
Increase the harvest from an individual plant by cutting the kohlrabi just above the lowest set of leaves. The remaining plant continues to produce more edible bulbs. You will end up with a big harvest from one ugly plant.

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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
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