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2016 AAS Tomato Winners

Add a little zip, flare and fun to your meals with the 2016 All-America Selections tomato winners.

Dress up your relish trays, salads and appetizers with the first currant-type tomato to win the All-America Selections award. Candyland Red produces more than 100, ½” diameter sweet dark red tomatoes on each plant. The fruit tend to form on the outside edges of the plant, making harvesting much easier

Use Candyland Red as a snack, on appetizers, scatter on salads and soups or freeze and float in a summer drink.

Try the other 2016 winner, Chef’s Choice Green, for its unique color and hint of citrus flavor. The 6 to 7 inch fruit are green with yellow stripes.  Use them as you would other tomatoes or fry them up.

Chef’s Choice Green is resistant to a variety of diseases and cracking.  Start enjoying these tomatoes about 90 days after planting the seeds.

A bit more information: Candyland Red is ready to harvest in about 96 days from when you plant the seeds. For recipe ideas for this and other red currant tomatoes click here.