A Few 2020 AAS Edible Winners
Plant a few of this year’s edible All-America Selections winners in your containers or garden beds.
These winning vegetables, along with a few new tomatoes, were chosen by All-America Selections (AAS), a non-profit plant trialing organization, for their outstanding performance in home gardens and containers.
Green Light cucumber is a mini cucumber that ripens earlier and produces more fruit with excellent flavor. Make several plantings throughout the summer for a continual harvest.
Blue Prince pumpkin produces 7- to 9-pound blue flattened pumpkins on vigorous vines. The early maturing fruit is non-stringy, deep orange and has a savory sweetness.
Mambo watermelon is another vigorous vining plant. It produces perfectly round watermelons with crisp deep red flesh. It retains its tasty flavor even if you can’t harvest them as soon as they ripen.
A bit more information: National AAS winners like those mentioned here have demonstrated superior performance compared to other varieties currently on the market. Regional winners are those that performed exceptionally well in certain regions, but not all locations.
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