Share the Gift of Gardening
As gardeners, we know how digging in the soil improves our mood, reduces stress and makes us smile. Share this joy by giving a gift of gardening this holiday season.
Help a new vegetable gardener with a collection of easy to grow seeds. Include fast maturing vegetables like greens and radishes, some space saving pole beans and something fun like purple carrots.
Cooks that are gardeners and gardeners that are cooks may appreciate cook books like Renee Shepherd's that focus on garden fresh produce. These come in handy when the zucchini, tomatoes and peppers are at their peak and none of your friends and family need more.
Small space gardeners will appreciate seeds of compact plants suited to containers and colorful varieties that mix nicely with flowers in the garden or pot.
Or make it a combination and give a cookbook with several packets of their favorite herb seeds.
A bit more information: Can’t decide? Give a gift certificate for your favorite seed company or local garden center. Your recipient will have as much fun shopping for their gift as enjoying it in the garden.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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