Grow Braising Greens Indoors or Out
Looking for some new ways to serve up kale, collards and other greens? Try braising some of the thicker leafed greens for your next meal.
Pick up a bundle of kale, chard, collards, mustard, turnip or beet greens on your next visit to the farmer’s market. These thick leafed greens can be steamed, sautéed, stewed or braised.
Consider growing your own braising greens. Many seed companies sell packets of mixed greens suitable for braising.
Plant seeds in a container with drainage holes and filled with a well-drained potting mix. Place it in a warm location for quicker sprouting. Move to a sunny window or under artificial lights as soon as the seedlings appear.
Water often enough to keep soil moist and fertilize with a dilute solution of fertilizer about every other week. You can begin harvesting when the greens are 4 to 6 inches tall.
A bit more information: Grow braising greens in a sunny spot outdoors in the garden or a container, during the gardening season. Harvest and wash the greens right before preparing your meal. Remove any tough stems, cut into 2” pieces and sauté in oil. Add stock or other ingredients and cook for an additional 8 to 10 minutes.
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