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Kids’ Garden Activities

Don’t let winter weather and busy schedules damper young gardeners’ enthusiasm.  Research shows kids that are exposed to gardens and nature have fewer problems with ADHD, perform better in school and are overall less stressed and happier.

Here are four fun activities you can do to keep the gardening spirit alive in your home:

  • Take a walk through your winter landscape to explore, collect, and create. Collect some evergreen branches, seedpods, colorful twigs, and create a centerpiece or wreath for all to enjoy.
  • Force a few tulips, hyacinths or daffodil bulbs to brighten your indoor garden or outside porch or deck.
  • Create a terrarium out of an old aquarium, large glass container, or two liter soda bottle.  Increase the fun factor by filling it with carnivorous plants like the Venus flytrap.
  • Start new plants from cuttings from some of your favorite houseplants or annuals overwintering indoors

A bit more information:  Or grow a bit more fun with a grass head.  Create your own green characters from an old nylon stocking, a bit of potting mix, grass seed, and craft supplies. And visit my website for more kid and family activities.