Growing Species Tulips
Add years of tulip beauty to your gardens with species tulips.
These smaller plants make great additions to rock gardens, containers and the front of perennial gardens and mixed borders. Their bloom time may be a bit shorter, but their longevity and naturalizing nature more than compensates for this.
Don’t let the delicate beauty of species tulips fool you. They’re tough plants and tolerate the extreme cold of northern gardens and many will bloom and thrive in the mild winters and hot summers of the south.
Plant species tulips at the same time you would Dutch tulip varieties, once the ground cools. This is fall before the ground freezes in the north and late fall or early winter in milder climates.
Grow species tulips in full sun and well-drained soil. Or pot up a few to enjoy the blooms indoors or out.
A bit more information: Tulipa tarda has beautiful yellow and white blooms followed by attractive seedpods. Use them in dried flower arrangements or leave them on the plants to start new plants from seeds. It will take several years for these seedlings to reach mature size and bloom, but worth the wait.
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