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Crabgrass in the Lawn

I reseeded my Michigan lawn last spring. The grass grew well in the summer but in August it was heavily invaded by this light green grass. What should I do this spring?

Crabgrass is a common problem in newly established lawns. If the lawn is thin and sparse you may want to over-seed this spring. Keep the grass 2 1/2 to 4 inches tall and properly watered. This will give you more lawn grass to shade and crowd out the crabgrass. If the new lawn is otherwise thick you can spot treat problem areas with a pre-emergent crabgrass killer. Apply it when the vanhoutte (bridal wreath) spirea bloom and the lilac flower buds begin to swell. This is the same time the crabgrass begins germinating. Minimize your use of chemicals by only treating the infested areas and several surrounding feet. Apply corn gluten meal preemergent when the forsythia are blooming for a more eco-friendly option. Continue to mow high and provide proper care. A healthy lawn is the best environmentally sound way to control crabgrass and other weeds.


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