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Plan and Plant a Row for the Hungry

Make a difference one row of vegetables at a time. 

Gardeners always seem to have extra produce to share with family and friends.  So the Garden Writer Association’s members and their foundation decided to encourage gardeners to share their surplus garden produce with hungry people in their community.

Since 1995 gardeners have donated more than 16 million pounds of produce, providing over 60 million meals to food pantries, soup kitchens, and service providers. 

Now I’m asking you to do the same.  It’s simple.  Just share the extra produce from your garden with food programs in your community.  Or better yet, plan and plant an extra row or two specifically for this purpose.  Include familiar, easy to use and long storing vegetables like peas, beans, peppers, squash, tomatoes and carrots.  And include some nutritious greens as well.

A bit more information: Contact Feeding America or other food programs in your area for more details on donating fresh produce. Or visit the Garden Communicators International website or call the Plant a Row (PAR) Hotline at 1-877-492-2727 for more details on donating or organizing a PAR program in your area.

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June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI


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