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Ornamental Edible Landscape – Fruit Plants

Round out your meals with some fresh from the garden fruit.  It is easier than you think to grow your own apples, plums, and berries.

Start by throwing out your old visions of an apple orchard or patch of strawberries.  Instead look for creative ways to incorporate these edibles into your landscape. 

Substitute disease resistant tree fruits suited to your climate and landscape design for more traditional ornamental trees.  The flowers, fruit, and often fall color will provide seasonal beauty.

Use shrub-type fruits as hedges, dividers, and backdrops for other gardens throughout your landscape. Just be sure to leave enough space around the plantings for maintaining the plants and harvesting their fruit.

Grow strawberries as groundcovers throughout your yard.  You’ll harvest an abundance of fruit from minimal space.  Plus, the white flowers, tasty red berries, and beautiful fall color will brighten up the landscape at your feet.

A bit more information: Gardeners who like a challenge or lack even a balcony can try growing a few things indoors.  You’ll need a bit of space near a sunny window and supplement with an artificial light for even better results.  Consider starting with a Meyer lemon.  Many gardeners have success growing these lemons indoors.  Plus, the fragrant flowers are a nice addition to your indoor living space.