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Grow Your Own Baby Kale Indoors

The super food kale has found its way into our salads, snacks and even our Thanksgiving dinner. If you cringe at the thought of eating this healthful veggie, try easing into this trend with baby leaf kale.

Baby leaf kale has a milder and sweeter flavor than mature kale. The Italian Tuscan baby leaf kale is ready to harvest from seed in about 25 days.

Try growing a few plants indoors this winter. Use small containers with drainage holes filled with a quality potting mix.  Sow seeds ¼ inch deep and gently water. Continue watering as needed.

Place the containers in an unobstructed south-facing window or under artificial lights. Keep the lights 4 to 6 inches above the top of the plants.

Harvest by cutting leaves when 4 to 5 inches tall. Leave the bottom inch intact and wait for new growth to make additional harvests.

A bit more information:  Water new plantings often enough to keep the soil slightly moist. Once plants are up and growing, water thoroughly when the top inch of soil is starting to dry.