Edible, Ornamental and Nutritious Kale
Its beauty and health benefits have increased the popularity of both the edible and ornamental kale.
The color and texture of kale blends nicely with mums, asters, ornamental grasses, and other cool season favorites.
Use kale as a vertical accent in containers, as part of a fall garden display or as a filler in the garden. This plant flourishes in the cooler temperatures, tolerates frost and once established can survive even single-digit temperatures.
Combine kale with cool weather tolerant annuals like pansies, dianthus, sweet alyssum and stocks or edibles like Swiss chard, colorful lettuce and bull’s blood beets.
Although ornamental kale is edible you’ll get the best flavor from varieties sold for their edibility, not their beauty. Redbor and a few other edible kales are both beautiful and tasty. Check the label to be sure you get the look and flavor you desire.
A bit more information: Grow kale in full sun and moist well drained soil. Water plants thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are crumbly and slightly moist. Check container plants daily and water thoroughly as needed.
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Sept. 21, 2024
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