National Pollinator Week Celebrates the Importance of Pollinators
Each year, one week in June is set aside to celebrate and honor pollinators. This year, National Pollinator Week is June 22nd through the 28th.
More than 80% of all flowering plant species rely on animals, such as native and honeybees, butterflies, moths, bats and birds, for pollination. Apples, pears, almonds, blueberries, melons, and squash are just a few of the crops that rely on pollinators. In addition, they pollinate plants that many wild creatures rely upon for food and shelter.
Celebrate National Pollinator Week by making your backyard or balcony a pollinator-friendly habitat. Provide water, nectar rich flowers and work with nature to manage pests in the garden. You’ll enjoy these visitors and the many benefits they provide you and your garden.
A bit more information: Pollinators serve the pollination needs of 180,000 different plant species and more than 1,200 crops. Many are also predators while others parasitize garden pests, helping us grow beautiful and productive gardens.
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