No Flowers on Climbing and Shrub Roses
I have a climbing rose and a shrub rose that are not blooming. They are both getting plenty of sun and are planted in well drained soil. I have even tried fertilizer, but still no blooms.
First, check on the fertilizer. Too much nitrogen can result in beautiful plants and no flowers. A soil test will tell you what if anything your roses need. Then review your pruning techniques. Many climbing roses bloom on old wood. Pruning the plants back in winter, fall or spring before flowering can eliminate the blooms. Lastly, check out the winter protection. Hybrid tea roses are usually grafted onto a hardy root stock. This grafted portion usually needs added insulation to survive northern winters. If the graft is killed the desirable rose plant dies and the rootstock takes over. It is usually a bit more thorny and coarser in appearance. Some root stocks will produce red flowers while others do not bloom. If this is the case it is time to look for a replacement.
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