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Jasmine Has Lost All Its Leaves

I brought my beautiful jasmine plant indoors for the winter.  It lost all its leaves. I am still keeping the soil moist.  Is it dormant or dead?

As long as the stems are pliable the plant is still alive.  Increase the light by moving the plant to a sunnier window or add some artificial light.  Continue watering thoroughly but let the soil go a bit drier, keeping it only slightly moist, in the winter.   Avoid drafts of hot and cold air and do NOT fertilize until the plant recovers and is growing more vigorously.  Then use a dilute solution of flowering plant fertilizer.   Reduce the stress when moving plants between the indoors and outdoors by properly acclimatizing them to the new growing conditions.  Gradually move the plant outdoors in spring after the danger of frost has passed.  Start with the plant in shade, protect it from cold and gradually increase the amount of sunlight the plants receive.  Reverse the process in fall.  Adjust your care after taking several weeks to acclimate the plant to the different growing conditions. 


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