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Planting Dahlias

Plant dahlias in spring and enjoy continuous bloom from mid-summer to the first fall frost.

Select a sunny well-drained location and start planting directly in the garden after the danger of frost has passed. Dig a hole 4 to 6 inches deep. Set the tuberous roots in the hole with the stem or eyes, that’s the point of new growth, pointed up. Cover with soil and water.

Or start them indoors about a month before the last spring frost, for earlier bloom outdoors. Plant the tuberous roots in a 6- to 8-inch pot with the eye about an inch below the soil surface.  Move transplants into the garden after the danger of frost has passed and the soil is warm.

Add a decorative stake to support the large flowered and taller varieties.

Don’t be afraid to cut your dahlias. Picking encourages more blooms for you to enjoy. With as few as three to six plants you’ll have plenty of flowers to enjoy yourself and share with friends.

A bit more information: Dahlias are hardy in zones 8 to 11 where they can remain in the ground year-round. In colder regions they are grown like annuals and replaced each year or dug and stored indoors for winter. Thanks to Longfield Gardens® for use of several images in this segment.