Dividing Dahlias
Increase your flower collection by dividing dahlia tuberous roots stored over winter.
Divide dahlia tuberous roots just before planting. The new growth on dahlias occurs at the base of the stem where several tuberous roots come together. Look for swollen buds, often called eyes at the base of the stem. Use a sharp knife to slice through the stem making sure you have at least one eye and one or more swollen roots for every division.
Plant the division with the eye about an inch below the soil surface when starting indoors. The eye can be set several inches deep when planting directly outside. Start divisions indoors for earlier bloom outdoors or plant them directly outdoors once the danger of frost has passed and the soil is warm.
And don’t worry if you didn’t save dahlias from last year’s garden. Start this year by purchasing a variety of dahlia tuberous roots.
A bit more information: One of the great things about dahlias is one plant provides big impact in the garden. Plus, there are many flower types of dahlias adding a bit of pizzazz to the late season garden
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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