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Year of the Watermelon

The National Garden Bureau has declared 2013 the Year of the Watermelon.  Be part of the celebration and consider planting watermelon in this year’s garden.

Don’t let the sweet flavor deceive you – these are nutritious as well as delicious.  High in Vitamin C, low in fat and calories - it is a great way to boost your energy.  Plus, all parts are edible.

You can pickle the rind, eat the fleshy portion fresh or roast or grind the seeds for flavoring.  In china they stir fry watermelon while the Russians often pickle it before eating.  You may want to try some new ways of enjoying this tasty summer treat.

Grow watermelon in full sun and well-drained soils.  Save space by growing these plants on a trellis or decorative obelisk.  Just secure the heavy fruit to the support with a cloth or macramé sling.  Or plant a few seeds in a container and let the vines wander over your balcony or trellis.

A bit more information: Try planting one of the large picnic-type watermelons that can weigh 15 to 50 pounds.  These are sure to get everyone in the family excited about growing and eating this, the largest edible fruit in the United States.  Or perhaps you want to try one of the icebox melons that is much smaller at 5 to 15 pounds and easier to squeeze into the fridge. And don’t forget about those with unique colored rinds and flesh and of course those that lack seeds.