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Strawberries for Every Space Garden

Add a bit of nutrition and beauty to your patio, deck, or balcony with a pot of strawberries.  It’s a great way to keep a nutritional snack close at hand.

The runners, flowers, and fruit on June - also called spring bearing- and the day-neutral strawberries make for an attractive hanging basket.  Set the plastic pot inside a decorative container for added beauty.

Or use a traditional strawberry pot. Consider growing ever bearing plants that produce several harvests and no runners.

Start your traditional strawberry pot by setting a tube or two of perforated PVC down the center of the strawberry pot. As you water, the water travels through the pipe and out the holes providing moisture to all plants from top to bottom.

Then place a bit of soil on the bottom of the container.  Slide the plants through the hole from the inside of the pot. Fill the remaining space with soil. Gently tamp and water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets.

A bit more information: Or use strawberries as a groundcover.  All you need is a little space in a sunny location.  Plant in spring, train runners as they develop and enjoy the harvest.