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New Apple Variety for Small Spaces

Don’t let limited space stop you from growing your own apples.  Give the new Urban Columnar Apples a try. 

Whether grown in the ground or a large container, this is a great way to bring the beauty and flavor of apples right to your backdoor. 

The urban columnar apples grow 8 to 10 feet tall, but less than 2 feet wide.  The main stem is loaded with short branches and lots of fruiting spurs.  These healthy and disease resistant trees will start producing the first year as long as you have two varieties for pollination.  Expect larger harvests as the trees mature.

The flowers are either pink or white and the apples are red or green and sweet or tart. Include at least two varieties for fruit production.

Use the plants as an edible screen, tall hedge, vertical accent, or focal point in the landscape.   Plant them in a sunny location and water thoroughly as needed.

A bit more information: These apples are hardy in zones 4 to 9.  Those gardening in cold climates will need to provide extra winter protection for container-grown fruit.  Insulate the roots from temperature extremes by surrounding them with bales of straw or moving them into an unheated garage.  Added root insulation will be beneficial there as well.  Water overwintering containers thoroughly whenever the soil is thawed and dry.

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June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI


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