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Grow Nutritious Goji Berries

Nutritious, flavorful, beautiful and easy to grow describes the goji berry. Consider adding one of these shrubs to your garden.

Goji berries are often called a superfruit because they’re loaded with antioxidants, protein and Vitamin C. You can eat them fresh, cooked or dried. Just leave them on the plant until fully ripe for the best flavor.

This large shrub can quickly grow to 8 to 10 feet tall and nearly as wide. The long branches tend to crawl along the ground. You can stake or prune the plant to control the size and shape.

Grow goji berries in full sun and moist soil for the best fruit production. Plants will tolerate some shade and dry soil once established.

White or lavender flowers appear in early summer followed by elongated berries that turn bright red when ripe. The plant keeps producing flowers and fruit throughout the season.

A bit more information: Goji berries are self fertile. That means you only need one plant to produce a bumper crop of fruit.