2020 All-America Selections Tomato Winners
Make some room in your garden or containers for these three new All-America Selections 2020 National award winning tomatoes.
The small apple-shaped fruit of Apple Yellow tomato have a sweet citrusy flavor that is excellent for eating fresh or stuffing with cheese. The 5-feet-tall plants are prolific, producing up to 1,000 bright yellow tomatoes per plant.
Celano is a red patio type grape tomato with excellent late blight tolerance. One judge noted “Celano is sweeter, the texture is better, the color is deeper, the plants are healthier, and the yield is phenomenal when comparing it to other grape tomatoes.”
Canners and cooks, consider adding Early Resilience to your gardens. This rounded Roma tomato has good flavor and quality flesh for canning and cooking. Its disease and blossom end rot resistance results in high yield and less fruit loss.
A bit more information: All-America Selections (AAS) is a non-profit trialing organization with test sites across the US and Canada. Volunteer judges rate entries based on their improved performance, flavor and unique qualities for their performance in gardens and containers.
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