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Improve Your Health and Mood with Forest Bathing

Improve your health and elevate your mood with a mindful walk in the woods. 

Known as forest bathing, the goal of this practice is to slow down and become immersed in nature. It is not a strenuous hike but rather a slow walk on a gentle path, engaging all five senses along the way. Turn the cell phone off and listen to the birds, smell the scents that fill the air and experience all aspects of the surrounding woodlands. Engaging in nature helps clear your mind of clutter as you relax into the moment. 

The practice of forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980’s. But the benefits of nature have long been known and shared in writings by John Muir, William Shakespeare and more. 

Studies found forest bathing reduces blood pressure and stress. It increases focus, energy levels and improves sleep and much more.

A bit more information:Trees impact our health by removing dust and pollutants from the air and releasing oxygen for us to breath. Spending time among the trees also helps boost our immune system. Studies reveal tree filled landscapes help decrease domestic conflict, as well as aggression and violence at schools.