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Green Space and Your Health

Celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month by getting outside and gardening. As a gardener you know digging, pruning and planting strengthens your muscles and improves flexibility.  It also improves your mood and reduces stress. And now there is additional research that shows what we experience when we are viewing or in nature does make a difference in our health and well-being.

Scientists have been studying the link between green space and levels of depression, anxiety and stress. They found a strong correlation between green space and illnesses in a community.  The more green space, the lower the level of disease in a community.

Consider joining a community garden. You will not only enjoy the physical activity and produce, but the company other gardeners provide.  Researchers found that social isolation and loneliness are more detrimental to your health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. 

A bit more information: Research has found that parks, nature, green spaces and gardens are good for all of us.  Spending time in nature helps children develop social, emotional and cognitive skills.  “Green Time” can also reduce symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children and can act as an effective supplement to traditional medicinal and behavioral treatments.


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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI


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Fall-Planted Daffodil, Tulip and Muscari Bulbs
from Longfield Gardens