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2017 Year of the Rose

Join the National Garden Bureau in celebrating our national flower – the rose

Roses have been grown for their beauty, fragrance and medicinal value for thousands of years. 

There are about 150 different species of roses. The Gallicas and Damasks are the two main species used in the fragrance industry. It takes 10,000 petals to make just one liter of rose oil that is used in making perfumes.

The floral industry sells more than one billion rose stems each year.  Most of these are raised in over 30,000 acres of greenhouses around the world.

Gardeners continue to include these beauties in their garden for their colorful flowers and fruit, fragrance, and bee, bird and butterfly appeal.

Consider growing some of the popular landscape roses like the Carefree, Knock Out, Drift, Meideland and flower carpets.  These repeat blooming roses have fewer disease problems and require less maintenance than their hybrid tea counterparts.

A bit more information:  Roses grow best in full sun.  Once established most are fairly drought tolerant. Water thoroughly when the top few inches of soil start to dry. Avoid overhead watering to reduce the risk of disease problems.