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Stretch Your Planting Budget

Stretch your planting budget with each plant you buy.

When shopping, look for perennials and groundcovers with multiple shoots that fill the pot. Plant it as is for quicker results or divide the plant into several smaller pieces to cover a larger area. You’ll just have to wait a bit longer for the planting to fill in.

Roll or push on the sides of the container to help loosen the roots inside the pot. Slide the plant out of the pot. Use a sharp knife, drywall saw or other cutting utensil to divide the plant into several smaller pieces. Space the divisions according to the planting directions on the tag. Plant at the same depth it was growing in the container. Then cover the roots with soil, water and mulch.

Sound too brutal? Then leave the plant intact. Just loosen any encircling roots and plant. The larger plant will fill in more quickly for faster results.

A bit more information:  Another way to stretch your budget is to buy smaller scale plants. These are less expensive than their larger counterparts. It may take longer for them to fill in the space, but you’ll have fun watching them grow.

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