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Fold Your Own Origami Paper Pots

Recycle your old newspapers into biodegradable pots for starting seeds this year.  It is a money-saving activity the whole family will enjoy. 

In just a few minutes you can convert a single sheet of newspaper into a plantable container.  A link to my easy to follow directions, complete with diagrams can be found on the kid’s activities page on my website.

After making a few key folds you’ll be ready to plant. Fill your paper pots with a well-drained potting mix or seed starting mix and set in a shallow container.  Follow the directions for planting and care on the back of the seed packet. 

After the danger of frost has passed, prepare your seedlings for the outdoors.  Then plant in properly prepared soil, pot and all.  The newspaper pot will decompose, allowing the plant’s roots to explore the surrounding soil. Using biodegradable pots reduces

transplant shock and the hassle of managing plastic pots.

A bit more information: Follow these simple directions for more details on folding your own pots. Using biodegradable pots, like these, reduces transplant shock and the hassle of managing plastic pots.