Propagating Pink Lady's Slipper
I’d love to have more pink lady’s slippers in my yard. Over the past 5 years, they’ve slowly multiplied from two plants to five. Is there a way to propagate them myself to speed up the process?
Consider purchasing additional plants for the landscape. Contact a local nature center, botanical garden or Extension service for a list of reputable nurseries that sell wildflowers. Ask about their involvement with saving wildflowers on new construction sites. Some organizations dig and transplant wildflowers from construction sites to protected areas. Volunteers are often "paid" with surplus plants. Or if you like a challenge try starting these plants from seed. Collect seeds in summer after the pod has reached full size and dried. Remove the seeds from the pod and sprinkle them in the area, needs moist organic-soils, where you want the orchids to grow. Mark the location to avoid damaging the young seedlings since it takes several years for the plants to reach flowering size. A friend of mine covers seeded areas with hardware cloth for the first few years. It protects seedlings from squirrels and over zealous gardeners. Lift the screen in the winter after the plants become established. Be patient, it takes years to increase your planting, but your efforts will be rewarded with beautiful blooms.
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