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Dealing with Small Seeds

Carrots, lettuce, begonia and other small seeds can be difficult to plant at the proper spacing.  Reduce wasting seeds and time spent thinning seedlings.

Mix seeds with sand, vermiculite, or other fine material to separate the seeds for proper spacing.  Sprinkle the sand and seed mix in a shallow furrow, cover with soil, gently tamp, and water.

Or try seed tapes available from garden centers and catalogues.  The seeds are glued to a tape that you roll out and plant.  

Make your own with strips of paper towels and seed glue made of 1 cup of flour or cornstarch and ¼ cup of water.  Dab this seed-glue on the paper at the proper spacing for the seeds you select.  Place the seeds on the flour glue and allow to dry.   Once planted, the glue will dissolve, the paper will decompose and the seeds will sprout at the proper spacing.

A bit more information:  Or purchase pelletized seeds.  The seed company coats the smaller seeds, making them larger and easier to handle.  Some companies have started combining several small seeds within the pellet for attractive and tasty garden combinations.