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Plant an Instant Lawn with Sod

Transform bare soil to green lawn in less than a day.  Use quality sod to create a new lawn or fill bare patches in existing turf. 

After properly preparing the top 6 inches of soil, select quality sod.  The grass should be dark green, free of weeds and pests, have minimal thatch and preferably been grown in soil similar to your own. 

Lay the first roll of sod next to a drive, sidewalk or curb. Butt the edges of the sod together and make sure the roots are in contact with the soil.

Stagger the rolls just like you were laying bricks.  Continue until the bare area is filled.  Use a knife to cut the sod to fit.

Run an empty roller or gently tamp the sod in place to remove any air pockets and insure good root soil contact. 

Water thoroughly and often enough to keep the roots and soil beneath slightly moist.

Soon you’ll have a beautiful lawn, ready to mow and for your family to enjoy.

A bit more information:  A traditional roll of sod is 1 ½ feet wide by 6 feet long.  This will cover 9 square feet of soil.  Use this figure to help you calculate the amount of sod you will need.  Simply divide the square footage (length x width of the space) of the area to be sodded by nine.  The answer is the number of rolls or sod you will need to purchase.