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Perennial Garden Renovations

Give your tired perennial garden a boost without a total renovation. Topdressing your garden with compost every year or two provides most if not all the nutrients your perennials need.

Pull back the mulch if needed.  Then spread an inch of compost over the soil surface.  You can buy a quality compost or make your own.

Leave the compost on the surface or lightly mix it into the soil.  The earthworms, ground beetles, and other organisms will take it from there – moving the compost into the soil and around the plant roots where it is needed.

Or, do a bit of vertical mulching.  Use an auger bit on your cordless drill.  Simply drill holes into the soil between plants.   Then fill the holes with compost.  This gets the compost closer to the plant roots and soil organisms that will help mix it into and improve the soil.

Soil preparation and repair will help transform your garden.

A bit more information:  Apply a plant strengthener to increase plant vigor and their natural ability to tolerate environmental stresses, insect attacks, and disease problems.  These natural products aren’t fertilizers or pesticides.  They can be applied to established plants at the beginning of the season to boost their ability to deal with stress or as soon as problems arise.