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Greenery the 2017 Pantone Color

Nature and the environment influence our lives indoors and out.

As gardeners, we often go to the garden to renew our spirit. This desire to connect with nature, the go-green movement and healthier food resolutions inspired the 2017 Pantone Color of the Year - Greenery.  Each year the company selects a color that reflects our culture. You’ll see this color featured in clothing, indoor décor and more.

Greenery is a yellow-green that is common in nature.  Pantone Color Institute Vice President Laurie Pressman told FORBES “the choice of Greenery was about unity and community – connecting to oneself and others and a higher purpose, Nature”.

Pantone calls Greenery “Nature’s neutral” But gardeners already knew this. We use green in our gardens to create a sense of unity, as a backdrop for our floral displays or to create a relaxing garden in the shade.

A bit more information: Pantone also releases a Spring Color Report that includes the ten trending colors. The 2017 Spring Report includes Greenery and other colors they feel capture the feelings of spring; promises, hope and transformation.