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Add Pockets of Color and Interest

Now is a great time to plan for added color in your landscape. 

Look for areas where small perennial flower combinations can add seasonal or season long color to shrub beds or small bare spaces in your landscape.  Consider long blooming low maintenance perennials that add interest with minimal effort on your part.  Select combinations that peak in one season for areas used or viewed during that time of year.  Extend your season long enjoyment with combinations that look good throughout the growing season.

Purchase or make artwork that can add form and color to existing gardens.  This is definitely a low maintenance solution that adds your personal stamp to your garden design.

And don’t forget about containers.  Pots filled with flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs can extend the season and allow you to brighten otherwise unplantable areas.

A bit more information:  Add an element of surprise by using containers in non-traditional ways and locations in the landscape.  Set a few containers into existing gardens for a vertical accent.  Change out the plantings for added seasonal interest. Elevate the pots on old chairs, upturned pots or supports to create a focal point.