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Grow Rainbow’s End, 2021 Hosta of the Year

With so many hosta varieties available it is difficult to choose.

The American Hosta Growers Association lends gardeners a hand by naming one outstanding variety as Hosta of the Year. Winners must be suitable as garden plants in all regions of the country, be widely available for sale, and retail for around $15.

The 2021 winner is Rainbow’s end. This hosta has beautiful, variegated and shiny leaves. The bright yellow leaves have dark green margins that jut into the center. As summer progresses, the yellow turns a creamy white.

Rainbow’s end hosta is 11 inches tall by 21 inches wide and topped with lavender flowers in late summer. Hummingbirds are attracted to the flowers and juncos can be found dining on the seeds.

Like other hostas, it prefers part to full shade and moist, well-drained soil.

A bit more information: Recent winners include Dancing Queen, Lakeside Paisley Print, World Cup and Brother Stefan. Visit the Hosta Growers Website for a complete listing.