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Blood Lilies

This member of the amaryllis family produces softball size red flowers. The flowers appear in late spring or early summer and are followed by orange-scarlet berries.

Blood lily (Scadoxus multiflorus ) is reliably hardy in zones 8 to 10 and has been known to survive in zone 7 gardens with well-drained soil and winter mulch. Gardeners in colder climates need to bring this bulb indoors for winter.

Outdoors grow this plant in full sun or partial shade and organically rich well-drained soils. Make sure the soil stays evenly moist throughout the growing season.

Those gardening in colder climates should grow bulbs in containers, since these plants do not like their roots disturbed.  Gradually reduce watering in late summer and move the containers indoors before the first fall frost.  Store the dormant bulbs in a cool dry location.

A bit more information: This South African native attracts bees, butterflies and birds to the garden. Handle with care as all parts of this plant can cause a mild stomach upset if eaten and the sap can irritate the skin.