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Eat Better Eat Together Month

Gather the family in the kitchen, prepare a meal, and sit down to celebrate Eat Better and Eat Together Month.

When adults and children eat together the children do better in school, have fewer behavior problems and as teenagers are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.

And there is no better way to get your family to eat healthy than to grow some of your own produce. Fresh from the garden produce not only tastes better, but the short time between harvest and serving makes it more nutritious.

Make a trip to the local farmers market to help with the planning.  Look for new and favorite vegetables to try cooking this month.  Start a list of those vegetables you want to grow in your own garden.

And if you don’t have enough space to grow a large garden consider containers.  And be sure to include a few herbs in the garden, container or indoors on a windowsill. They’re sure to add flavor to any meal.

A bit more information: Try some purple peppers, tomatoes, beans, and carrots in your next garden.  Or maybe it is fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel eggplant or Sugar baby watermelon that appeals to your family.  Unique color, unusual names and of course family favorites can go on the list. 


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June 15, 2024
Tosa Community Fair

Ten Easy, Green and Growing Ideas
Wauwatosa, WI

August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI


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