Planting Daffodils, Tulips and Other Spring Flowering Bulbs
Plant a few tulips, daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs in fall for a bit of beauty and color in next springs garden.
Select a sunny to partially shaded location with well-drained soil. Add several inches of organic matter into the top 12 inches of soil to improve soil drainage.
Plant bulbs 2 to 3 times their vertical height deep. So smaller bulbs like grape hyacinths will be about three inches deep while larger daffodil bulbs will be 6 inches deep.
Place bulbs on the soil surface. Use a trowel to dig a hole at the proper depth, set the bulb in place and cover. Or remove the soil in the planting area to the proper depth. Set the bulbs in place then cover with soil. Sprinkle some low nitrogen fertilizer over the soil surface and water thoroughly.
A bit more information: Extend your gardens bloom time and reduce your workload by planting bulbs amongst your perennials. As the bulbs fade, the emerging perennial foliage covers the yellowing bulb leaves. Plus, you double your bloom time for each square foot.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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