Creative Bulb Combos
Get creative this fall when planting spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips and hyacinths.
Combine several different bulbs in one planting location. You can extend the bloom time by mixing early, mid, and late season bloomers. Or create multiple layers of color by mixing larger bulbs like daffodils and tulips with minor bulbs like grape hyacinths and squills.
Mix them with perennial flowers and groundcovers like hostas and daylilies. The emerging perennials will mask the declining foliage of the spring-blooming bulbs.
Plant winter hardy pansies along with your spring flowering bulbs. And when spring arrives the pansies provide early season color to complement the blooming bulbs and remain blooming to detract from the bulbs declining foliage.
Create a faux water feature with squills and grape hyacinths. Just plant a ribbon of these blue flowers in the flower garden.
A bit more information: Crocus, squills and glory-of-the-snow add spring color to the lawn. They finish blooming about the time you need to cut the grass. Beware of squirrels and other varmints digging and dining on crocus. And if you change your mind, you will spend years trying to eliminate these minor bulbs and their offspring from the lawn.
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Sept. 21, 2024
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI
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