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Planting Bulbs

Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are sure signs of spring. Get busy now planting a bit of spring beauty.

Be creative mix bulbs in with your perennials. This fall garden looks great summer through fall. Adding tulips or hyacinths can lengthen our season of enjoyment.

Plant bulbs 2 to 3 times their vertical height deep. Try mixing several bulbs together to double your enjoyment. I like mixing yellow daffodils with blue squills for a rich combination. Or how about some early blooming crocus mixed with some late blooming tulips.

Or maybe you prefer to mix in a few pansies. Cold weather pansies like Icicle, Second Season and Sub-zero will make it through even the coldest winters.

Mix a little slow release or bulb booster fertilizer in the soil above the bulbs. Water and wait for spring.